Organic Photo Film Borders

Organic Photo Film Borders

Regular price $45
  • 60 Different film negative rebate borders
  • Ultra-high resolution PNG files 8,000px +
  • Developed & scanned 4 iconic Kodak film stocks
  • Stylize your photos seamlessly within seconds

The Most Authentic Film Borders
On The Market

All examples are digital photos with Organic Film Borders + Overlays applied.

4 Iconic Film Stocks

Kodak Portra 400 (35mm Film)

Kodak Portra 400 (120 Film)

Kodak Portra 800 (120 Film)

Kodak Tri-X 400 (B&W 35mm Film)

Ultra-High Resolution

60 PNG Files (44 Singles & 16 Negative Strips)

Photo Background Pre-Removed

8,000+ px Resolution Files

Made By The Best

I collaborated with Fine Art Photographer / Printmaker, Jakob de Boer. From his studio darkroom, we conceptualized, developed and crafted these Organic Film assets so you can achieve the most authentic film look possible.

Stylize Your Photos Seamlessly
Within Seconds

An Authentic Edge

Since film is an organic material, we embraced its imperfections. The interior of a Film Negative Rebate is not a naturally perfect straight line.

I wanted to give you the most original film look possible, so we kept the imperfections along the edges of the border. it seamlessly visually infuses the border with your image.

Easy To Use

Open the Film Border PNG file in Photoshop or any photo editing software and drop your image into the Film Border. Position your image for framing and you're done!

Organic Film Borders

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Regular price $45
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